Saturday, 20 April 2013

Final Major Projects: Test Shots

 I tested my idea out in the studio to see if my idea was practical enough to achieve but also to see if I still liked my idea as a concept. 
The idea I wanted to try out was my studio pictures of a 360 view of the trainers. As I didn't have any trainers with me I decided to use pumps that I borrowed from the drama department. 

As I had researched into trainer advertisements I saw that some of the backgrounds are fancy instead of studio backdrops and I decided to google backgrounds and I found one that would fit with my images.

I orginally found this image and had selected the shoe to make a new layer, and then copied my image onto the background.

I decided I wasn't happy with  the background that I had found and decided to find another one. I decided that this background would suit my images more so I stuck with this one.
In Photoshop I placed the background on top of my images and selected the whole shoe to create a new layer.  I ereased the outline of the shoe as it did look stuck on and fake.
I found that I had to edit the first image and the last image as the position of the shoe started off higher and gradually sloped down towards the end.
Although I said I wanted to create a 360 view of the shoe I hadn't achieved this as I only did a 180 degree view because it was easier to photograph without a tripod.
Testing out my idea helped because it helped me realise that it would be difficult as I would have to create a 180 view of each shoe that I photograph.
The editing side of these images was time worthy and instead of just thinking about editing one image the way I wanted to, I had to position the shoe in the same place throughout all them all so it looked more natural and not like I had imposed the image onto a background.
I think the background I chose suited the product well.

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