Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Final Major Project: Mini Critique

For our critique we had to show some images that we had taken.  I took some test shots of how I wanted my lighting to be with my flash gun over the weekend and showed them. 

Picture 1:

Picture 2:

Picture 3:

What's going well?
The flash gun is working well for separating the background from the person and the product. 

What isn't?
The flash gun is so bright that detail is lost within the shoe as the flash is quite close to the subject.

Possible areas for development?
Try positioning the flash gun further away so that flash isn't too bright and maybe try diffusing it with tissue paper over.
Try different locations to determine a better background for example outdoors as your pictures will be outside.
When editing try out different styles instead of just black and white such as vibrance.

What are the photographs communicating?
Something to do with shoes or sports.

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