Thursday, 31 January 2013

Zines: Evaluation

For my printed zine the reason I chose to base it on Italy was because I had just got back from holiday and thought my photographs were of a good quality. 
When I came back from holiday I put all my pictures on a memory stick and organized them into folders of the events that happened so when I came to choosing which photographs I wanted to include it was reasonably easy as I wanted some from each event. From each event I chose around 6 or 7 photographs. 
At first I wanted to produce a magazine like a holiday brochure, my teacher said like a diary and then I decided it would be a diary. When I think of a diary I imagine a normal lined paper diary without pictures so mine would have to be better than a normal diary because my pictures were the main thing. 
As time went on making my diary/ journal I decided the writing to go with my pictures would be factual stories about my village so it's not only documenting my summer it's informing people of the traditions in Italy and my village. 
Putting my pictures into the polaroid template took a long time because I wanted to include the time and the dates of when the picture was taken even though polaroid's don't have any writing on them. I decided to make them different and this was the way. 
When I had to put them into Indesign it was easy to use the program considering I'd never even heard of it until September. 
The difficult part was getting the pages into the right order for printing, otherwise the project was fun and I think my magazine got across my idea. 

For my video zine I wanted to stay connected with my magazine of Italy. My first idea was to show my pictures and read my stories out loud. But as there had to be interviews with people I then decided to interview my family members about Italy. I didn't know what to ask them until I realised that my mum and my grandma had lived in Italy and then moved to England. 
When I was taking my video's on my camera after ten minutes the camera stopped recording as my grandma's interview was longer compared to my mother's and sister's. I decided to interview my sister because even though we lived there when we were younger and we moved to England she decided to move back to Italy. 
When it came to editing my video's I found the technical side easy as I had used premiere pro before but there was some technical difficulties with my video file type as some of them wouldn't open in premiere. I had to go to the technician to see if they could be saved and they could. I noticed that after they had been recovered there was a popping clicking noise embedded in the video. As my interviews came up to 6 minutes I had a lot of filling shots to take. I started off with pictures but as they were still they didn't really fit in with my video so instead I wanted to show her life through photographs. I looked through old photo albums and couldn't find many of my grandma when she was a teenager or when she moved to England so I found photographs of when she got married and when her grandchildren were little so I included them. 
When my video was finished I thought it wasn't bad but I would have liked to made it more better with animation. 

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