Sunday, 21 October 2012

Abstract Fear: Task 6 and 7

Installation Layout:

These are the photographs I printed:

This is a link to my finished video:

It was a last minute thought about printing off some pictures and writing in camomile lotion on the windows because my installation would have been more decorated. I decided to write in camomile lotion on the windows because its easy to wipe off and I used it for some of my photographs as I wanted a dripping effect to give a frightening atmospheric chill. This technique was one I kept going back to because I felt it worked better than other materials I used for writing messages with. I wrote with lipstick, marker pen, cocktail sticks, salt, scrabble and typing on a laptop. 
The reason why I chose so many materials to work with was because in the program paranormal witnesses there was one particular story which influenced most of the threatening messages because the family offered a cat ornament to the poltergeist as a sign of piece but one member didn't want to and threw the cat outside then the next day the word 'cat' was written all over their house in felt tips and food. In this episode the poltergeist also shows his inhumanly footprints and hand prints which gave me a final push on photographing these. 
Another last minute idea was to include the figure of the person in the long black coat to fit with my story which was my own making of a paranormal witnesses documentary. My story was going to be a time lapse showing burglary in my house showing a previous owner dying after being attacked by some robbers then the ghost contacting the new owners that moved in asking for help but after a while of being ignored the ghost starts to turn violent resulting in now being a poltergeist and then ending the story in a mystery not knowing what happened. I also didn't want the person to be in any of the photographs or to be revealed if it was a man or a woman because it wasn't relevant to me. I wanted the black figure in my installation to show that even though the person is dead its still there in spirit but now there in body form.
 But after talking to teachers there was nothing abstract about my work. So my ideas were changed and this was the order of my photographs and videos:
 Help messages, sewing machine moving and reverse it, light swinging, rocking chair moving, piano playing, ornaments moving, scary messages, trashed room, static of TV, footprints on the floor, clothes being thrown and then the family praying for help. 
I noticed when I was taking my videos that if I recorded them at night then the quality would be poor so they had to be recorded again but during daylight but not bright morning daylight because that made some of my photographs too bright and I didn't want that to happen to my videos. As I didn't have the death sequence photographs at the start of my DVD I slotted some photographs in between videos and during videos. I found that the photographs I had sliced during videos would cause them not to be seen by the video skipping over the image when I played it back so I couldn't do this effect a lot which was disappointing as I thought this technique was amazing. It was suggested to me by a teacher and I feel it made my DVD a whole lot better than I would have imagined as I was upset that I had to change my ideas and stuck as to how to resolve the issue. Editing my videos together was quite difficult as I'd never done any video work before but I was very pleased with it.
I am very pleased with the layout of my installation because of all the details I put into it which made my set up feel homely from ornaments on the window top to table cloths under the table lamps and the chair with the foot stool. I had elements of different photographs set up which was intentional for example the footsteps on the floor, the broken ornament laid out on the table (which in my picture was sprawled out on the floor), the dark hooded person and the ornaments on the window which had been knocked down. Even though some people might have been able to guess how my videos were taken I hope that some were a mystery and intrigued people to keep watching. 

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