Sunday, 23 September 2012

36 Images

For our new project we have been given the task of going back to old school photography where relying on looking back at the image taken and retaking the shot is not allowed. These days you can take thousands of images whereas in the earlier stages, photographers only had one chance 'the decisive moment' to capture their image. 
Making sure the exposure is correct, removing any obstacles from the photograph which interfere and ensuring the subject is in focus are all key parts to be taken into consideration. 

We will have to take 6 images for 6 sessions making a total of 36 images the same number as there is in a roll of film. Providing as well the image number to prove the consecutive photographs.

For our first session we were put into pairs and had to respond to another person's photograph. Here are mine and Ceri's photographs.

Ceri - IMGP1834
 Mine - IMGP1835
 I unfortunately forgot about only taking one image and ended up taking another as a mistake.
Mine - IMGP1836
 Ceri - IMGP1837
Mine - IMGP1838
Ceri - IMGP1839 
 Mine - IMGP1840

After taking these photographs we got into groups of four. I was with Ceri, Danielle and Ashleigh. Following on with responding to another persons photograph we had to come up with a little story. 
Here is how our story turned out.

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